Stage: Distribution| Shooting Location: Bogotá, COL| Film Companies: Mugre al Ojo (COL) , Los Niños Films (COL) | Duration: 55 mins | Direction: Jorge E. Aldana |

Script: Jorge Aldana | DOP: Erwin Goggel | Edition: Jorge Aldana | Restoration: César A. Jaimes & Manuel Ponce | Image Restoration: Felipe Colmenares |

Sound Restoration: Antonio Ponce | Color Restoration: Luis Fernando Rojas | 1984

Pill Poppers


1983. Guillo and Viejo Loco, two young men from downtown Bogotá, roam the city day and night. Their stroll combines playfulness with rummaging. In this ambiguity of purposes they stumble upon friends on the corner, a concert, obstacles, various psychoactive drugs, authority, violence and a reign. These delirious encounters will gradually build a distorted reality that wanders between fantasy, urban sordidness, rock, the comic and the absurd. Pepos is a vivid psychedelic portrait of the spirit of a generation that recalls the hopes, frustrations and chaos of a youth that grew up in a country going through a drug trafficking boom and one of its worst periods of violence and state corruption. Pepos still beats with the same strength and rebelliousness with which it was conceived, as an avant-garde document in both form and theme.